Associates can provide in-office or virtual sessions. Some therapists provide a full 60 minutes vs others provide 50 minutes (allowing for 10 minutes of note taking) and this is indicated in each therapist bio.

Please check your junk mail and/or contact Adele @ 403-809-7809 if you do not receive a response to your inquiry within 48 business hours so we can ensure you are attended to promptly.


Registered Psychologist, Imago Relationship Therapist, ART Practitioner

Focus Areas:

Relationships, Couples, Anxiety/Overthinking/Stress, Boundary setting,  ‘Why am I stuck?’ stuff,  and "Being a guy in this day & age”, Work stress & Coaching, Eating disorders, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Client age range: 18+
Office hours: varying hours including weekends
  • Individuals $275 per hour, appts are 1.5 hours (Total $412.50)

  • Couples $325 per hour.  1st appt 3 hours ($975 total), follow-up appts 2 hours ($650)

  • payment via e-transfer

Office location: Please contact for more information.

As a former Occupational Therapist, I was trained in the importance of understanding an individual in their physical, social, emotional and spiritual entirety. Simply put everything is connected and we can not look to shift one without creating movement in the others. My background in both physical medicine and mental health provide me with a unique 360 degree perspective.

Believe me when I say you already have everything you need to move forward! I am here to help you recognize your ‘blind spots’ and stretch into more of your inherent abilities. When we stretch it is essential that we know our entire blueprint before we are able to truly rewrite it. Shaming ourselves and our past serves no purpose. The past does however hold the key to moving forward. Look at your life experiences like a map. We can’t get to where we want without an understanding of where we are and where we have come from. The things I will encourage and ask of you I have done myself so I know the great places this journey can take you. Even though it may be uncomfortable at times rest assured I’ll have your back along the way. You were born awesome, and then life happened! So time to go reclaim that awesomeness (yes I grew up in the 80’s).

It’s not who you are that holds you back, its who you think you’re not!

More CV Information (+)


  • Bachelor of Physical Education (Kinesiology), University of Alberta 1998
  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta 1998
  • Masters of Counseling Psychology, Adler University, 2002
  • Certified Imago Relationship Therapist 2004
  • Clinical Hypnosis Certification (level 1 & 2) 2002
  • Mediation Certification 2003
  • Collaborative Divorce Certification 2012


  • College of Alberta Psychologists
Downloadable Forms (+)
Eating Disorders (+)

"It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not"

Disordered eating takes on many forms and includes a broad range of abnormal eating patterns. When an individual engages in irregular eating, it impacts both the physical, social and emotional aspects of overall health. The end result can often be a destructive and isolated quality of life, reduced life span and in severe cases, death.

Disordered eating can lead to disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge and compulsive eating, chronic restrained dieting, obesity, and a number of other experiences. For an excellent description of the various forms that disordered eating can take click here.

Adele Fox utilizes approaches to treatment that are aligned with the unique needs of her clients. Her extensive training enables her to implement coaching, cognitive behavioral and interpersonal therapies in her work with clients and their recovery from bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and unhealthy eating/weight preoccupation.

Adele’s experience with disordered eating began in 1998. She trained and worked in the Inpatient Eating Disorders Program at Toronto General Hospital. Over the past two decades, Toronto General Hospital has become a leader in eating disorder treatment, pioneering research, and a major training ground for specialized health care professionals.

Adele then moved into outpatient work at Oakville Hospital, working with adolescents, adults and their families struggling with an eating disorder. Relocating back to her home province of Alberta in 2002, Adele provides individual and group treatment for individuals 16+ within her private practice. She is also activity raising awareness and support for eating disorders in Alberta as a board member and clinical advisor for the Silver Linings Foundation in Calgary.


Calgary Silver Linings Foundation is offering support groups (18 and older) for those struggling with eating disorders: The current group is ” Psycho-education and self-care” and runs before and after Christmas which can be very helpful considering this stressful time. If you are interested, please follow this link for more info and registration.

Relationship Coaching/Therapy (+)


Life is all about relationships. Whether it’s our interaction with friends, co-workers, children, love partner, or the person we bump into at the grocery store. In order to do life well, we must learn to do our relationships well. Unfortunately we don’t know what we don’t know, and relationships are the thing we desire the most, and for which we are the least ill prepared.

Adele Fox utilizes a unique combination of approaches in order to enhance an individual or couples life potential. The goal in working with Adele may be to improve the work environment, rebuild a marriage/partnership, develop co-parenting skills after divorce, or to develop a greater awareness of your own unique style of life and how to alter it for the better. Whatever the vision, Adele can provide coaching psychology to assist you in taking what is, and turning it into what you want it to be.

Imago Coaching for Couples

When we fall in love, we believe we have found the perfect partner who will always make us feel safe and whole. As the initial romance subsides, most couples begin to experience some degree of unexpected conflict, sadness, and lost hope. We are perplexed as to where things got off track and why our partner appears to have ‘changed’. That magical feeling disappears and we are left feeling disillusioned. Our dreams shattered, we begin to feel angry and betrayed.

We try to coerce our partners into giving us what we need. We criticize, we withdraw, we shame, we intimidate, we cry. We become locked in this painful power struggle until we break up, divorce, stay together in a ‘dead zone’ or continue to fight like cats and dogs. We long to regain the magic we once had.

Does this describe the relationship you are presently in? Or are you a couple preparing for marriage and want to be one of the 50% who make it? It could be that you are single and fed up with dead end relationships, yearning for the love of your life. Perhaps you are in a comfortable, committed relationship and want to heighten your level of intimacy and passion.

Whoever you are, Imago Therapy can help you to understand the emotional dynamics playing out in your relationship and provide you with the insight and tools necessary to begin to re-establish connection with your partner.

The Oprah Winfrey show has featured Harville Hendrix and Imago Relationship Therapy over 20 times, and included Imago in the list of “Unforgettable! Oprah’s Top 20 shows”

View Oprah talking about Imago Theory here!